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Mobile Phones:   HTC First

  • From RM 386 (Ori)
    N/A (AP)
    updated: 29-06-2015

News & Reviews:   HTC First announce

  • Facebook Home Reaches Malaysia

    Facebook Home Reaches Malaysia

    If you've been following us, you'll know that Facebook has released Facebook Home, it's app launcher for Android smartphones. While the initial release was for the US market back on 12 April 2013, the app has finally made it's way to other markets, including Malaysia. All you need to do to get it is to go to the Google Play Store and download it. Do remember that you probably need to have the Facebook for Android app and Facebook Messenger app already installed.

  • How Facebook Home Works

    How Facebook Home Works

    What do I need?

    As mentioned previously, Facebook Home is Facebook's new app launcher UI that integrates Facebook features and overlays onto your Android smartphone operating system (OS). Just to repeat what was said earlier, it isn't a fork of the Android OS and all you need to install it is the right hardware and some Facebook apps such as messenger already installed. Facebook Home will be available for all Android devices (meaning you can download it from Google Play) on or after 12 April 2013. According to Facebook, Facebook Home will be updated regularly and monthly.

  • Facebook Announces Facebook Home and HTC First Due in Malaysia Soon

    Facebook Announces Facebook Home and HTC First Due in Malaysia Soon

    The Facebook Phone finally arrives

    Due to all the leaks about Facebook's "new home on Android" most of what got announced at Facebook's recent big event wasn't really big news. Confirming our previous news about Facebook Phone leaks, is that Facebook is indeed releasing an Android Home screen launcher. The official quote from Mark Zuckerberg was:

    “Today we’re finally gonna talk about that Facebook phone. More accurately, we’re gonna talk about how you can turn your phone into a Facebook Phone." Mark Zuckerberg.

  • Rumour: Facebook Phone now known as HTC First

    Rumour: Facebook Phone now known as HTC First

    Quite a lot of people have predicted and been waiting for the time when Facebook comes out with its own hardware. Now, we've got the first renders of the Facebook Phone that may be announced tomorrow in Facebook's Official event. Rather than the HTC Myst that some thought it would be called it is now going by the name HTC First. Tech specs for the HTC First include the following:

    • Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Plus MSM8960 processor
    • 1GB RAM
    • 5MP Rear camera + 1.6MP Front camera
    • 4.3-inch screen (720p HD resolution)