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  • Intel 5G coming to power the next generation of the Internet of Things

    Intel 5G coming to power the next generation of the Internet of Things

    In a recent MWC 2016 briefing, Aicha Evans, the Corporate Vice President of Platform Engineering Group and General Manager of the Intel Communication and Devices Group revealed Intel's plans regarding 5G devices, networks and technologies with the major highlight being that we should see such devices and networks in the next 6 to 12 months. According to her, Intel are working on clients, networks and the cloud to support these new 5G technologies particularly due to the Internet of Things or IoT. These always connected IoT devices may include wearables, vehicles, video security, smart buildings and energy management. Sumner Lemon, Country Manager, Malaysia and Singapore subsequently followed up with info relating to this regarding Malaysia's involvement in Intel's 5G plans.