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  • LG Confirms White Nexus 4, No More Nexus and Tablet in Q1

    LG Confirms White Nexus 4, No More Nexus and Tablet in Q1

    The current Nexus smartphone, the LG Nexus 4 was originally available just in black. However, LG are now offering it in white as well. Tech specs for the White LG Nexus 4 are still the same as the old black one, which isn't bad since you still get a high-end smartphone but the only difference with the White Nexus 4 is its colour. It should be available already but it would likely go for a slightly higher price than the original black one. While on that topic, LG have confirmed that they have no plans for another Nexus smartphone, squashing earlier rumours about an LG Nexus 5 smartphone in the works. LG have not ruled out working with Google again though.