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  • Samsung Galaxy S6 Pre-MWC rumor roundup

    Samsung Galaxy S6 Pre-MWC rumor roundup

    We are just a few hours away from the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S6 flagship smartphone which is probably the most anticipated phone of the year. It is said that under its project zero initiative Samsung will rebuild the new flagship device from scratch. Recent leaks confirm this news as the S6 was spotted in a number of images online. The alleged pictures of the S6 reveal that Samsung has seriously stepped up its design in the new phone. According to the pictures, the device will have a metal frame and a glass panel both on the front and the back. Unlike predecessors, the back will be non-removable and there will be no memory card slot. Instead, it is rumored that the Galaxy S6 could come with a 128GB flash storage that was recently announced by Samsung. The new storage is said to be 2.7 times faster at random data reads as compared to regular flash storage and its sequential speeds are in line with that of SSDs. In the software area too, Samsung will streamline the user experience with reportedly less bloatware. The overall UI will be like the Nexus Vanilla Android experience. A recent report also revealed the full list of apps that will come pre-installed on the S6. They are as follows: S Voice, S Health, Facebook, WhatsApp (download link), Microsoft One Drive, Microsoft One Note, Skype, All Google apps, Galaxy Apps. The company will officially announce the Galaxy S6 today, but a Dutch carrier has already made the device available for pre-order on-contract for free at EUR 44 per month. We will be covering MWC 2015, so stay tuned for more updates.