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News & Reviews:   U Mobile Postpaid 38 Malaysia release date

  • Top 3 reasons why the U Mobile Postpaid 38 could be the plan for you

    Top 3 reasons why the U Mobile Postpaid 38 could be the plan for you

    These days, you'll see many people at places like cafes just chilling out or working on the go. Some of them use the free WiFi provided by these premises to get connected to the Internet. But as you know, free WiFi isn't reliable or secure so a data plan is crucial.

    Lucky for us, there are a lot of options available. But for thrifty Malaysians looking for a value deal, how would they know which is the right plan to subscribe to? Well, today we're here to tell you the top 3 reasons why the U Mobile Postpaid 38 plan could be the plan for you.