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News & Reviews:   Virtual Reality

  • Rumours: Xiaomi VR headset surfaces, to be launched today?

    Rumours: Xiaomi VR headset surfaces, to be launched today?

    Walking around in a Virtual Reality (VR) environment is a fun thing to do. Which is why more companies are creating VR products to tap into this budding market. Xiaomi is one of the companies who are doing just that, and we have a first look on how their implementation should look like

  • No current Android flagship will have Daydream VR support

    No current Android flagship will have Daydream VR support

    Even as we get more advanced flagship smartphones - some with crazy amount of memory, others with great camera and processing power – the new VR platform from Google may just be too much for them.

  • Daydream VR is the name of the Android VR Platform

    Daydream VR is the name of the Android VR Platform

    With the upcoming release of Android N, Google has taken steps to create a more robust VR experience for the Android platform. During Google I/O, Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai was on stage to introduce DayDream, the VR platform that will be built into Android itself.

  • 2016 Emergence of Virtual Reality - by Chris Milk

    2016 Emergence of Virtual Reality - by Chris Milk

    The main hurdles that we spend a lot of time thinking about are inspiring mass adoption, creating great content, and continuing the discovery of what VR is capable of. 

    Widening the consumer base is a top priority. VR can (and will) be a revolutionary platform for gaming and entertainment, but we’ve been seeing first-hand just how far the medium can reach. We now have the power to traverse great distances in no time at all and walk a mile in another man’s shoes. VR has the power to transform how people feel about one another. How can VR continue to reshape journalism and news? How can VR affect education and learning? Every new revolutionary technology, be it the cell phone or the laptop, is pushed to the limits by humanity. How do we use this thing in a way where our lives are greatly improved? VR is no different. 2016 will see the continued push to explore how VR can transform existing modes of communication, bring people closer together, and make our lives more streamlined.

  • Virtual Reality creating LucidCam camera needs your help (money)

    Virtual Reality creating LucidCam camera needs your help (money)

    As the title mentioned, LucidVR is looking for more funds to complete its fund goal and production. In case you never heard of such product, it started from California and it is said to create virtual reality content, LucidCam, on an affordable consumer level.

    The function of the product is what the name implies, it's equipped with a stereoscopic 3D camera with two 180 degree wide angle lenses. Each eye lense are displayed in full HD 1080p resolution when a video or picture is captured, and it's compatible with Google Cardboard and other VR headsets. Battery wise, LucidVR claimed it can record an hour worth of footage per charge.