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  • The Power of ChatGPT: Real-World Applications and Use Cases by ChatGPT

    The Power of ChatGPT: Real-World Applications and Use Cases by ChatGPT

    ChatGPT can fit in many areas that rely on text. So, you can see why we'd find it interesting. Of course, AI is far from perfect. It's not unexpected for it to provide wrong answers or deliver factual errors in responses or articles it generates. So out of curiosity, we generated an article using ChatGPT to see if it is good enough for writing articles. Check out the article below!

  • Facebook will ask users to read the news before sharing them to prevent the spread of misinformation

    Facebook will ask users to read the news before sharing them to prevent the spread of misinformation

    The spread of misinformation often happens on social media platforms as everything is one click away, especially during the pandemic. To minimize it, Facebook has introduced a new feature that will prompt users to read the news before sharing it if they haven't. With the feature, Facebook hopes that users won't judge the news by the headlines and will read into them carefully before sharing with family and friends.