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  • iOS 16 - First Impressions on customizing the lock screen & others

    iOS 16 - First Impressions on customizing the lock screen & others

    iOS 16 has been rolled out globally and iPhone users (from iPhone SE 2nd Gen and iPhone 8 series and newer) can now download it. If you haven't updated it and wanted to know how it is, you can proceed below to check out our first impressions of iOS 16.

  • My first impression and hands-on of Apple iOS 15 features so far

    My first impression and hands-on of Apple iOS 15 features so far

    In case you missed it, iOS 15 has been released on 21 September at 1 AM. As a new software upgrade from iOS 14, this is quite a big file to download (approximately 3GB) so it's best to download and install it overnight. But anyway, I have taken the liberty to explore what's new and there are some impressive features to take note of.

  • Here's the first look of Facebook desktop's new dark mode design and more

    Here's the first look of Facebook desktop's new dark mode design and more

    So something cool just happened - when I opened my Facebook page on the desktop, I was given early access to a new Facebook design layout! It seems not only a few selected ones got to experience this as my colleagues don't have it yet. So without further ado, here's the first look of possibly the new Facebook desktop design layout in the near future!