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  • TechNave Business Bytes Week 1 May 2024: Kaspersky Warns, Lenovo Builds, Malaysia's Cybersecurity and more

    TechNave Business Bytes Week 1 May 2024: Kaspersky Warns, Lenovo Builds, Malaysia's Cybersecurity and more

    In this week's TechNave Business Bytes Week 1 May 2024 we cover cybersecurity, technology advancements, business opportunities, and consumer trends. Kaspersky highlights the importance of strong passwords, while Sailpoint emphasizes robust identity security for businesses. Innovation is evident in partnerships like Lenovo and Austral Techsmith for smart cities and Luno offering new cryptocurrencies. Smart Malaysia seeks passionate individuals for EV promotion, and insureKU aims to revolutionize insurance with its digital platform. The EY survey reveals Malaysians' confidence in their energy future, but a gap exists between perception and action. Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 also found that manufacturing was the worst hit by ransomware in ASEAN and Malaysia.