AI Dungeon 2 wants to take you on an AI-generated text adventure


Artificial intelligence in games has become a thing in some circles, with the vaunted AlphaGo even beating a professional Go player in the strategy board game. Now, AI is being made to help you enjoy fantasy text adventures too! We're talking about the OpenAI-based AI Dungeon 2.

With AI Dungeon 2, you get to enjoy a multitude of different generated world. The AI will generate different stories and responses depending on the action you take in-game. It's developed by Nick Walton, who created it with OpenAI, an open-source text-generating algorithm. During the machine learning process, he fed the algorithm with stories from the website called Choose Your Story.


If you enjoy text adventure games, this might be something you want to look into. Tell us on our Facebook page whether this stirs any sense of nostalgia in you or if it's something you'd like to try! Also, stay tuned to for more news like this.