Previously, we reported that the KLIA Aerotrain replacement project is ahead of schedule and set to be ready by 31 January. However, it looks like there will be delays in the project, as Transport Minister Anthony Loke Siew Fook today announced the project doesn’t yet have a confirmed completion date.
According to Bernama, Loke revealed that the Aerotrain replacement project is still in the multi-phase testing stage. Specifically, the contractor is currently conducting dynamic testing, which will be followed by full system testing and system integration before it can be handed over to the authorities for final testing.
The Transport Minister added that the contractor has not come back with a specific or firm date for the Aerotrain to become operational. This is despite the contractor previously indicating that the project could be completed by 31 Jan.
So, what do you guys think of the whole situation? Share your thoughts with us in the comments and stay tuned to TechNave for the latest trending tech news.