When Apple launched the Mac Studio, some might have thought that the M1 Ultra would be the most powerful variant of Apple Silicon. But Apple has more up its sleeve, and the Apple M2 series chips could come with something even more powerful. Sources claim that it would be called the Apple M2 Extreme.
According to Mark Gurman (via GSMArena), the Apple M2 Extreme chip will be more powerful than the Apple M1 Ultra chip. It's expected to come with 48 CPU cores, compared to the latter's 24 CPU cores. Moreover, there will be two variants of this chip. One will come with 96 GPU cores and another with 128 GPU cores. Allegedly, the M2 Extreme will use the CPU and GPU cores from either the Apple A15 or A16 chipset.
The M1 Ultra is actually two connected M1 Max chips
As a reminder, the Apple M1 Ultra is in reality two M1 Max chips combined into one super chip. This process is possible through a design called UltraFusion, which uses an interposer to connect the multiple chips. Considering the specs, the M2 Extreme could be a mega chip that combines four M2 Max chips. Currently, this chip is expected to show up in this year's new Mac Pro.
In other words, expect this to be equipped on a high-performance PC that's going to be pricey. Does your work require you to use a Mac with such specs? Let us know in the comments, and stay tuned to TechNave for more news about this.