Apple also officially announced their business-targeted Apple iPad Pro tablet complete with a Microsoft Surface like keyboard and Pencil stylus. The iPad Pro comes with a 12.9-inch display with 2732 x 2048 pixel resolution. Other known tech specs include an Apple A9x processor and four speakers. The Keyboard has a magnetic Smart Connector that provides both power and data but comes separately at $169 (RM711.07). The Apple Pencil stylus also comes separately at $99 (RM416.54) but there is no place for you to slot it in on the tablet. Looking much like a 6.9mm thin iPad Air 2, the iPad Pro offers up to 10 hours battery life and is fully optimized for use with Microsoft Office and Adobe Apps. No Malaysia release dates yet but the iPad Pro is expected to arrive in November (which means Malaysia could see it next year).
- Apple iPad Pro with WiFi + 32GB storage $799
- Apple iPad Pro with WiFi + 128GB storage $949
- Apple iPad Pro with WiFi + 4G LTE + 128GB storage $1049
The Apple iPad mini 4 was also officially announced with a slimmer 6.1mm thin case (compared to the iPad mini 3 at 7.5mm) with a zero-gap screen and still 2048 x 1536 pixel resolution Retina display. Other tech specs and features will include an Apple A8 processor, 8MP rear camera and 1.2MP front camera while everything else remains the same. Unfortunately, there is no rose gold option for the iPad mini 4 but it will have a preorder starting from 11 September 2015 with shipping on 25 September 2015. No Malaysia pricing details yet but the 16GB storage iPad mini 4 will be priced as below. Like certain Apple iPhones in Malaysia, the pricing of Apple iPads have also been increased and the iPad mini 3 has been removed from the site.
- Apple iPad mini 4 with WiFi + 16GB storage $399
- Apple iPad mini 4 with WiFi + 64GB storage $499
- Apple iPad mini 4 with WiFi + 128GB storage $599
- Apple iPad mini 4 with WiFi + 4G LTE + 16GB storage $529
- Apple iPad mini 4 with WiFi + 4G LTE + 64GB storage $629
- Apple iPad mini 4 with WiFi + 4G LTE + 128GB storage $729