China has recently stopped Chinese companies dealing with China’s infrastructure from using chips made by US chip maker Micron, citing them as a “security risk”. The US have denied this as “having no basis”. Now… where have we heard this before?
For those who have been following us, the US made that exact same claim of a “security risk” about Huawei way back in 2018, banning them from use in their network infrastructure. Huawei and China responded that there’s no proof… so we have to say that the similarities are very striking.
In any case, Micron shares have dropped while shares of their Asian chip rivals have gone up. Previously, Micron made about 5.2 billion USD in revenue from China back in 2022 alone. As expected, some are seeing this as an opportunity. We’re just wondering how far this will escalate (and eating popcorn), but what do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below and stay tuned to