Fahmi Fadzil: Comm Ministry in final process of creating AI Chatbot on WhatsApp to combat fake news

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Previously, we shared how an AI-powered chatbot on WhatsApp to do fact-checking is currently in the works by the Government, as revealed by Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil. Now, Fahmi has given an update on the matter, saying that the chatbot is in the final process of development. 

According to Bernama, the Communications Minister reiterated that the AI chatbot facility is meant to curb the spread of fake news. Furthermore, he said that his Ministry will hold discussions with Meta regarding the chatbot soon. 

He added that currently, there are several technical issues being scrutinised and that they’re working to ensure that the chatbot facility will be able to address all issues raised in various languages, including Malay and English.

Fahmi stressed that when the chatbot finally launches, there will be several main languages. Moreover, the Ministry will expand the chat to other languages later as it was based on AI. 

Fahmi added that while waiting for the chatbot facility to be launched, the ministry’s staff are urged to be on the front line in countering disinformation and fake news on social media including WhatsApp, to ensure that only accurate information reaches the people. He stressed that the Communications Ministry should be on the front line to counter disinformation. 

So, what do you guys make of Fahmi’s statement? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!