Google just announced their Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL smartphones last night, and despite their camera improvements over the Pixel 2 series, we can’t help but draw parallels with the camera improvements pushed by AI powered phones like the Huawei P20 Pro. The Super Res Zoom, which enhances digital zoom sounds like a poor man’s copy of the hardware enhanced Hybrid Zoom while Fused Video Stabilization sounds just like AI Stabilization.
The unreleased upcoming Night Sight update also sounds like a carbon copy of Huawei’s Night mode, but Huawei already have a Super Night Mode update on the way for phones like the Huawei Nova 3 and others. Long known as the defacto standard for Android cameraphones, perhaps the time is nigh for photographers and camera fans to start looking towards Huawei and their upcoming Huawei Mate 20 series for the cameraphone innovations of 2018? Is the Huawei Mate 20 the new cameraphone king of 2018?