Chinese tech giants Huawei has recently increased with their Huawei Mate 10 teasers which is expected to be officially launched on 16 October 2017. At the same time, they have also decided to tease around with smartphone competitors, Samsung.
Just before the unveiling of Samsung’s latest flagship device, the Samsung Galaxy Note 8, Huawei posted a few tweets and Facebook posts that were low-key aimed at the Galaxy Note 8 and at the same time, promoting their own products. Included in their teaser was a sillhouette of what the Huawei Mate 10 might look like, with its vertical dual-camera setup.
The tweets were subtly hinted to compete with the Note 8’s dual camera setup as compared with the Huawei Mate 10. In which they claimed that they have a bigger 20MP dual lens. Huawei also tweeted “To unpack the future you will need more than a pen”, which is an obvious jab at the S Pen from the Note 8. Interestingly though, Huawei does not have a counterpart to the S Pen yet but perhaps the Mate 10 will have something better in store.
One can still almost say that these posts may be of coincidence, but the hashtag #beyondthegalaxy and #DoWhatYouWant makes it seem like they were not even trying to be subtle. #DoWhatYouWant could be a contrast to Samsung’s own slogan, #DoBiggerThings.
At the end of the day though, there’s nothing wrong with a little competitive banter and is quite entertaining to watch. Personally, I would like to see what Samsung has to offer in their reply to these posts.
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