The OPPO R7 Plus was recently launched in Malaysia yesterday at a rather high price of RM1998. Despite the flagship-level pricing it shares similar features with some other recently launched smartphones. These features include a full metal body, fingerprint scanner, laser autofocus and dual SIM 4G LTE which can also be found in the Huawei Honor 7 and Meizu MX5. Granted, it's 6-inch display is the largest of the three and it packs in 32GB of storage, but the larger size does mean that the R7 Plus is also the heaviest at 203g. Both the Honor 7 and Meizu MX5 are lighter and in the case of the Meizu MX5 thinner as well. Technically, none of the three are currently available but the OPPO R7 Plus is coming on pre-order for 11 July 2015 in the next few days. Price-wise the Meizu MX5 beats them all with 1800CNY (RM1081) but this is for the 16GB storage version. Strangely enough, the most expensive OPPO R7 Plus packs in the least powerful processor with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 615, a processor that we see more often in midrange offerings. Check out the full tech specs comparison between the OPPO R7 Plus vs Honor 7 vs Meizu MX5 for yourself or check out our other comparisons in this article.