New Windows Media Player now allows users to manage music library

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Not long after the release of Windows 11, Microsoft had replaced the Groove Music app with the new version of Windows Media Player as the operating system's primary media player. Not only that, but the company has also resurrected the feature that allows users to manage the library, which makes it feel like the old days with Windows 98's media player once again.

The new managing music library feature will let users add, delete and view their favourite albums in Windows Media Player. Besides that, it has also started to allow users to control the brightness and contrast of the videos. These new things will probably let users feel enough using the pre-installed media player rather than downloading the ones provided by third parties.

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After rolling out these, we'll probably see more features for the media player. Microsoft has been quite ambitious with its software nowadays, as the company has also been planning to revamp the File Explorer. Let us know what you think about the new Windows Media Player by leaving a comment, and stay tuned to for more tech news.