OnePlus keeps it coming with the teasers, this time with the launch date for the upcoming OnePlus 7 and possibly OnePlus 7 Pro. Set for a release on 14 May 2019 in New York, London and Bangalore along with a China release on 16 May 2019, actual confirmed details of the OnePlus 7 have been scant. That being said, teasers have revealed that it will be fast (so we’re guessing a Snapdragon 855) and that it will have a great screen (possibly a 90Mhz curved display?).
Other expected tech specs and features include dual rear cameras and dew drop notch front camera for the OnePlus 7. The OnePlus 7 Pro on the other hand is expected to come with a triple rear camera setup and an elevating or pop-up front camera for an all screen display.
Subsequently, there have been about RM200 or so price cuts for the OnePlus 6T here in Malaysia, but there’s still no actual Malaysia pricing details or release dates for the OnePlus 7 or OnePlus 7 Pro. Stay tuned and we’ll keep you updated here at