PAKEJ PERPADUAN will launch on 28 February 2023


It was recently announced that the aforementioned PAKEJ PERPADUAN will launch on 28 February 2023. It will be available by major telcos such as CelcomDigi, Maxis Berhad (Maxis), Telekom Malaysia Berhad (Unifi Mobile), U Mobile Sdn Bhd (U Mobile) and YTL Communications Sdn Bhd (YES). It will replace the previous Pakej Remaja.

For those who don’t remember, PAKEJ PERPADUAN will be offered for RM30 for 6 months. The speed will be set at 3Mbps while data quota is 30GB. We’ve reached out to see if that’s actually 30GB per month, but according to the wording it seems like that 30GB is for 6 months at 5GB of data per month. 

As before, the PAKEJ PERPADUAN is targeted at youths below 30 years old, senior citizens, veterans of uniformed bodies, persons with disabilities and the B40. While we applaud the good intentions behind the move, 5GB of data per month at 3Mbps means you can only check email, read news and avoid content with high resolution video. 

Watching too many high resolution videos might cause you to burn through that 5GB of data just like that. What do you guys think? Would 5GB be enough per month? Perhaps to drive Grab or something like that? Let us know in the comments below and stay tuned to