Pos Laju taking a 3-day break for Hari Raya Haji


Do you run an e-commerce business or plan to send parcels at the end of this month? Then you might want to hold off or avoid using Pos Laju as it won't be available. Pos Malaysia has announced that all its business operations will be closed from 31 July to 2 August 2020.

The courier service has confirmed that it's taking a 3-day break for Hari Raya Aildiladha, also known as Hari Raya Haji, and will close all offices across Malaysia. Post offices and Pos Laju Kiosks that are operating inside malls will be the only ones that will reopen one day earlier on 2 August 2020. Many of you may be too busy to send parcels anyway, but this does mean that a parcel you're expecting to arrive around that time may be delayed further.

Of course, this isn't the first time something like this has happened. Back during Hari Raya, four companies set cutoff dates for all shipments, so do pay attention whenever these major holidays come around. Having said that, what do you think about this? Should Pos Malaysia remain partially operational? Let us know on our Facebook page and stay tuned to TechNave.com for more news like this.