Rumours: A leaked picture of Apple earbuds with a lightning connector

Apple Lightning Earbuds-650-80.jpg

If you remember one post we did back last year, there was a rumour going around about Apple ditching the 3.5mm headphone jack for a lightning port setup. Since there were no pictures as evidence, it was easy to put it off as pure rumours, until this leaked image came along from Weibo. 

Design-wise, switching the 3.5mm headphone jack to lightning port could actually make the iPhone 7 thinner. But then again, there's also a flaw because what if the user wants to charge and listen to songs at the same time? Maybe they'd put two lightning ports? We don't know honestly, but this picture is intriguing enough to get us speculating but we should also take this with a grain of salt.

So what do you think? Do you prefer to move on to a newer way of listening music or stick back to the traditional way? Let us know in the comments below and stay tuned for more news at!
