Twitter Blue now only available to accounts more than 90 days old


Twitter has been in turmoil since Elon Musk acquired it, with plans for Twitter Blue unravelling due to a problem with impersonation. As a solution, the subscription plan was shut down last week. Well, it seems Twitter is back with a new plan.

On the Twitter Blue FAQ page, Twitter has announced that newly created accounts will not be able to get a Twitter Blue subscription. Now, the company will block any accounts that are not more than 90 days old. This is to prevent Internet trolls from creating new accounts to impersonate well-known companies or celebrities.


The service probably won't be available here anytime soon

Of course, the new restriction isn't perfect. It doesn't stop people from using their Twitter accounts to impersonate others or those who have multiple throwaway accounts from trolling others. These accounts can still be banned as a result, which would be unfortunate if it's their main Twitter ID. Honestly, this restriction only delays the problem but doesn't solve it.

In the meantime, Twitter will have to come up with some real solutions. We'd like to reiterate that the issue doesn't affect us here in Malaysia, but it's interesting to see how the situation pans out. What do you think? Please share your thoughts on our Facebook page! Also, stay tuned to TechNave for more updates on the Twitter fiasco.