In an unexpected twist, Elon Musk became Twitter's largest shareholder and even asked if Twitter users want an 'edit' button. Obviously, it was a resounding yes from the community and this has kind of forced Twitter to reveal that the team has been working on it since last year.
Jay Sullivan, the Head of Consumer Product of Twitter said that the development team has been exploring how to build an Edit feature in a "safe manner" (whatever that means) in 2021. The team will begin testing in @TwitterBlue Labs in the next few months and Sullivan also quickly said they didn't get the idea from the poll that Musk posted.
1/ We’ve been exploring how to build an Edit feature in a safe manner since last year and plan to begin testing it within @TwitterBlue Labs in the coming months. Sharing a few more insights on how we’re thinking about Edit
— Jay Sullivan (@jaysullivan) April 5, 2022
Moreover, he also continued tweeting what Twitter thought about the Edit feature. Not surprisingly, it has been the most requested feature for years but Sullivan explained why it wasn't implemented in the first place. One of the reasons is mainly because of transparency which can be "misused to alter the record of the public conversation".
In other words, Twitter simply wants to protect the integrity of the conversations. The company does have a point in this manner, so it's hard to juggle between it and maybe that's why it took them so long. By the way, @TwitterBlue Labs is a space where users do testing and experiment on an unannounced feature.
While it may be in the testing phase soon, it doesn't mean that we may get to see it roll out one day. Well, let's hope for the best and we honestly can't wait to correct our typos on Twitter. Stay tuned for more trending tech news at