Over the weekend, Disney+ Hotstar announced a set of new plans that will replace the current one. The date is scheduled for 24 April 2024 and as expected, this new price will affect both unifi and Astro.
According to sources, Unifi TV told the media that on the aforementioned date, "there will be changes in the subscription plan rate for Disney+ Hotstar streaming app as announced by Disney+ Hotstar”. Customers who have Disney+ Hotstar on their unifi TV plans should expect a new update from 8 April 2024 onwards.
On the other hand, Astro also said that the company is working out the new pricing details and the announcement will be delivered "soon". That said, Astro didn't provide any date like Unifi on when the customers will get to know the new prices.
In case you missed it, below are the upcoming five new plans for Disney+ Hotstar:
- Annual Basic Plan at RM 214.90/ year;
- Annual Premium Plan at RM 289.90 /year;
- Monthly Basic Plan at RM 24.90 / month;
- Monthly Premium Plan at RM 39.90 /month; and
- Quarterly Premium Plan at RM 79.90 /quarter.
For more information on the new prices, you can check out our news coverage right over here.