YouTube begins beta testing for new change to video quality settings


For most of us on fibre broadband, we'll want to watch YouTube on 720p or 1080p, depending on your display. In the case of mobile devices, it's normal to change the resolution to save data when you're not on WiFi. YouTube is making it so that you don't have to manually adjust every time you switch between networks.

If you recall, this feature was first hinted about two weeks ago. But now Google is officially testing it, so users who have access to the beta can try it out, according to 9to5Google. While you'll still be able to 'Advanced' mode to choose your preferred resolution, Google is changing how the video quality setting works.


First, the 'Auto' mode will now adjust your video quality based on unconfirmed specifications decided by YouTube. Then there's "Higher picture quality" and "Data saver", which are self-explanatory. What's useful is that you can one a different setting for when you are on mobile data and WiFi. For example, you can set it to "Data saver" when you're on mobile data and go for higher quality when you're on WiFi.

Considering that the feature has entered beta testing, YouTube may be ready to add it to the mobile app soon. Having said that, what do you think about the change? Do you prefer to just set the resolution manually? Let us know on our Facebook page and stay tuned to for more news like this.