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News & Reviews:   Entertainment Software Association

  • No E3 2022 but the event might come back live in 2023

    No E3 2022 but the event might come back live in 2023

    Hoping to check out a long-anticipated game at E3 2022? The event is usually when we get a whole bunch of demos or teasers, but it looks like it might not be happening this year. Sources have claimed that E3 2022 could be cancelled.

  • E3 2021 to be completely open to the public

    E3 2021 to be completely open to the public

    Unfortunately, there was no E3 last year, but the event is expected to return this year as an all-digital show. For the average person, this means that you can see all the new games and demos that developers have in store for us in 2021 and beyond. What's more, this event will be completely open to the public.