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News & Reviews:   Microsoft Windows

  • Valve: Steam to end support for Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 next year

    Valve: Steam to end support for Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 next year

    If you’re still running Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 on your PC for some reason, then we’ve got some bad news should you also play games on Steam. This is because Valve has made a surprise announcement saying that the aforementioned Microsoft OS will no longer be supported by Steam.

  • Microsoft announces event for 24 June 2021, could launch Windows 11

    Microsoft announces event for 24 June 2021, could launch Windows 11

    Did you know that Windows 10 is almost 6 years old? Back in the day, each Microsoft operating system was replaced after every 3-4 years. As for Windows 10, most people expected it to be the last desktop OS and Microsoft would just keep updating it. However, there might be a new Windows OS on the way.

  • Opinions: Should you get the Qualcomm Snapdragon 850 powered JOI Book SK3000 released in Malaysia for RM2199?

    Opinions: Should you get the Qualcomm Snapdragon 850 powered JOI Book SK3000 released in Malaysia for RM2199?

    In our most recent briefings with Qualcomm, they revealed that new Windows-on-Snapdragon laptops would be coming to Malaysia soon, and it appears one of the first would be the JOI Book SK3000 laptop. Utilizing both a Qualcomm Snapdragon 850 chipset and Windows 10 Pro, the laptop is on pre-order for Malaysians at RM2199 with an ETA set for 6 January 2021. Is it worth it?

  • Qualcomm's Windows on Snapdragon laptops will be coming to Malaysia soon in 2021

    Qualcomm's Windows on Snapdragon laptops will be coming to Malaysia soon in 2021

    Fresh after announcing their Qualcomm 8CX Gen 2 chipset for laptops, Qualcomm recently held a virtual briefing on their upcoming plans for Windows on Snapdragon laptops for Southeast Asia. Suffice to say, they have been working with various laptop makers to bring their Snapdragon 850 and 7c compute platforms to market in Malaysia, perhaps as soon as Q1 or Q2 of 2021.

  • ARM version of Windows could run on Macs with new Apple M1 chip

    ARM version of Windows could run on Macs with new Apple M1 chip

    Are you a Mac user that has the occasional need for Windows? Well, perhaps you'll be able to dual-boot on the new Apple M1-based Macs in the future. Or at least, that's what Apple VP of software engineering Craig Federighi has claimed.

  • Microsoft Windows 10 officially announced, one OS for everything

    Microsoft Windows 10 officially announced, one OS for everything

    Microsoft has officially announced Windows 10 with a release date expected in April 2015. While we have no idea where Windows 9 went (perhaps it was Windows 8.1 ~ 8 + 1) the big news is that this new Windows 10 will run on every Windows device. This means that when it comes out, it should replace Windows 8 on your PC and Windows Phone on your tablet or smartphone. No news yet on whether this would be called Windows Phone 10 or just Windows 10 throughout, but we're thinking that since Microsoft is aiming for total unification, everything will be called just Windows 10 regardless of device. Key features mentioned for Windows 10 includes:

    • An integrated Start Menu ~ The Start button and menu returns, this time incorporating the Metro Live Tiles into the start menu, so you get the best of both worlds without having to constantly switch between the two. You can easily customize this menu by pinning apps as tiles and so forth.
    • Universal touch apps on the desktop ~ Instead of having touch apps running on their own Metro UI, everything runs from the desktop, including these touch-based apps. They will be called Universal apps (perhaps because they can be used on a PC and tablet) while Classic apps are your normal PC apps. So far, it looks like it will open up a window on the desktop for the Universal App to run while keeping the desktop intact. Apps will be purchaseable on the Store for any device, but we assume that apps that aren't designed for a touch device like a tablet simply won't appear in the Store.
    • Multiple Desktops ~ Looking much like the Recent Apps menu from Android, the new Task View lets you switch between multipled desktops with each desktop running a different app. You can then switch between these desktops and apps at will, without losing data in any of them.
    • Customizable desktops with Snap Assist ~ Like to have multiple windows or apps open at one time? Well, now you can easily snap at least four apps at a time without having to precisely resize each window.
    • Adaptable design ~ just like responsive design for a website, the Continuum feature in Windows 10 will automatically adapt your OS according to the device. A tablet can switch to just tablet mode or when attached with a keyboard go to PC mode. No news yet how it might look like on a smartphone, but it should look like the current touch-based UI.
  • Rumours: Microsoft coming out with Windows 9 in April 2015?

    Rumours: Microsoft coming out with Windows 9 in April 2015?

    It isn't big news that Microsoft's Windows 8 hasn't been doing well. Despite losses amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars both in terms of Windows 8 and Windows RT based devices as well as software, Microsoft has kept plugging at it with the latest update being Windows 8.1, but even this doesn't seem to be taking off. Rumours have recently surfaced that Microsoft may be scrapping all the changes Windows 8 did and come back to the old Windows 7 interface. One of these rumours comes from Paul Thurott who is quite well known for Windows related news. What sets his rumour apart is that he predicts Microsoft will come out with Windows 9 in April 2015. According to him the announcement will come in April 2014 with the roll-out release next year. As a dedicated computer desktop user I can't say that I've been thrilled by the rather intrusive Windows 8 redesign, but it has been getting a following for it's various touchscreen devices. We still don't know what tech specs or features the Windows 9 revamp will have but it is rumoured to have three major points along with an optional Metro 2.0 feature. Stay tuned for more updates.