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  • Google introduces new Time Watched Profile for YouTube mobile

    Google introduces new Time Watched Profile for YouTube mobile

    If you're an avid YouTube viewer, chances are you probably have been introduced to a new YouTube tool that monitors your personal watching time in your profile. Called the Time Watched Profile, this can only be viewed on your mobile app (iOS and Android). Why? Well, Google just wants to provide you information about how much time you have been spending on YouTube. Check out below on what you can do with it. 

  • Malaysia's most watched video genres on Youtube

    Malaysia's most watched video genres on Youtube

    Based on a recent survey conducted by Google, about 4 in 5 users go on Youtube to find any kind of videos be it on their mobile phones, tablet or even on their own computers. That being said, there are certain genres that are watched more than others such as Music, Comedy, Lifestyle, and How-to videos. Not only that, depending on the stages of life viewers are more likely to gravitate towards certain contents as well!

  • NewsBytes #17 - Samsung takes top spot, Digi and Celcom giving back, Raya videos and goodies, VRMark and more

    NewsBytes #17 - Samsung takes top spot, Digi and Celcom giving back, Raya videos and goodies, VRMark and more

    NewsBytes #17 - Samsung takes top spot, Digi and Celcom giving back, Raya videos and goodies, VRMark and more

  • Always wanted to fast-forward or rewind in the YouTube app? You can double-tap to do so now!

    Always wanted to fast-forward or rewind in the YouTube app? You can double-tap to do so now!

    Always wondered if you get the fast-forward or rewind function on the mobile app for Android or iOS? Well, it looks like you can now do so on the updated YouTube app. And it's very straightforward too! Play the video in full-screen mode, and double tap on either the left side of the screen to rewind, or on the right side of the screen to fast-forward. Each double tap allows you to gain or rewind 10-seconds, multiple taps increases the jump in 10-second increments, which mean you could fast-forward or rewind in 10-seconds, 20-seconds, 30-seconds and so on.

  • Enjoy unlimited video streaming for free with U Mobile Video-Onz without using your data

    Enjoy unlimited video streaming for free with U Mobile Video-Onz without using your data

    Are you a U Mobile subscriber that loves to stream videos on your smartphone? Well, you are in luck because starting 29 April 2016, U Mobile will be introducing "unlimited" free video streaming with Video-Onz. They will be collaborating with 11 video streaming partners including Viu, YouTube and iFlix, so you can stream your favourite shows from your favourite video streaming platform at any time.

  • Malaysia's millennials and senior citizens are watching more YouTube than TV

    Malaysia's millennials and senior citizens are watching more YouTube than TV

    Google Malaysia and TNS Research recently got together to reveal the answer to the question, "Who watches YouTube in Malaysia?". Surprisingly enough, research reveals that it isn't just all our kids watching chocolate surprise egg videos. Instead, the answer turns out to be the millenials of Malaysia and many of our senior citizens (about half to be exact). In fact this number is set to grow as high speed mobile Internet and mobile devices become more accessible (cheaper).