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  • Another 5 Things That Smartphone Brands Should Stop Doing - Part 2

    Another 5 Things That Smartphone Brands Should Stop Doing - Part 2

    Wait, there was a Part 1? Yes, I did one and it was published 3 years ago! Many things have changed over the years in the smartphone industry and surprise, many features have become a reality and went beyond what we initially joked about. There's even a phone with 16GB of RAM now for goodness sake!

    In fact, the things we listed in Part 1 (you can read about it here) are happening now and this new list probably won't make brands budge an eye. But hey, there are some stuff we need to address so here are another 5 things that smartphone brands should stop doing, part 2! Before I begin, I thought I should give a heads-up to anyone working for a particular smartphone brand reading this - we have nothing against you, we just want you to be better.