Mobile Phones: iphone 6s
News & Reviews: iphone 6s
Jan 22, 2021
Every year, Apple would update its iOS to a new version, which inevitably blocks out older units. Back in November last year, it was already rumoured that iOS 15 might phase out a few older devices. Now, the rumour is back via another source with a little bit more information.
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Dec 15, 2020
Dropping your phone from a table is already bad enough, but imagine yourself in Ernesto Galiotto's shoes when he accidentally dropped his iPhone 6s when he was up in the air. Amazingly, the device was still alive and still managed to record the fall (you can watch the full video here).
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Aug 03, 2020
Whether you love it or hate it, the Apple iPhone is indeed one of the most popular phones in the world. But this begs a question - which iPhone is the most popular and which one sold the best to date? Well, foreign media statistics have your answer and turns out that the iPhone 6 series is still the most sold iPhone of all time.
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