Blizzard is giving World of Warcraft players an extra 100% EXP till 20 April 2020


Some of you may be itching to get back into World of Warcraft (WoW) now that you have so much free time, right? Great news for you, as Blizzard has announced that it's giving players 100% increase in EXP from now till 20 April 2020. Just what you'd need to power level a new character or two!

According to the official announcement, the double EXP will be available as a permanent buff called "Winds of Wisdom". It essentially increases experience points by 100% for those playing the Starter Edition, as well as Battle for Azeroth and Legion expansions for WoW. In case you didn't know, the Starter Edition is basically like a free version of WoW, where all characters created are limited to level 20.

If you are making a return to the game and need a boost to catch up, there's no better time than now. Also, there are 7 post-apocalyptic and 8 mobile games we think you could play during the Movement Control Order. But with that said, what are you doing to keep yourself occupied? Let us know on our Facebook page and stay tuned to for more news.