Honor just announced their dual-camera Honor 8. Huawei has set the standard with their Huawei P9. Now, Xiaomi seems to be ready to step into the dual-camera world. The update to the current favourite Redmi Note 3 is seen online, sporting what seems to be two cameras.
From the leaked photo here, the purported Note 4 will have two camera module at the back, with the second module situated where the fingerprint scanner is at now on the current generation Note. The LED flash is placed in between the cameras, while the Mi logo is further down the Redmi Note 4's back. Uncharacteristically, the fingerprint scanner may be located on the front like the Mi 5.
Unfortunately there are no specs leaked as of yet for the rumoured device. We may see the Qualcomm Snapdraon 652 powering the device, paired to 3GB of RAM and 16GB of storage. Stay tuned to TechNave for more information soon.