The Samsung Gear S2 and Gear S2 classic smartwatches have been officially announced recently. Measuring in at 11.4mm thin the Gear S2 uses a 1.2-inch circular display with 360 x 360 pixel resolution. Powered by a 1.2GHz dual core processor and Tizen OS the Gear S2 also has a version with built-in 3G, so you can slot in an e-SIM and make voice calls direct with the smartwatch. While it offers new fitness tracking functions, the main standout features for the Gear S2 include NFC and compatiblity with Samsung Pay along with a 2-3 day battery life. Samsung Gear apps remain rather limited but at least the Gear S2 is IP68 rated (you can bring it swimming) and has built-in WiFi with Wireless Charging features. No Malaysia release dates or pricing details yet but we'll keep you updated.