The Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X, which was teased a while ago on Weibo, will be launching soon. Despite not being officially announced yet, Xiaomi announced that they’ll be offering a special Hatsune Miku Edition in conjunction with the unveiling of the Redmi Note 4X on Valentine’s Day. It offers a slight cosmetic change(laser engraved Hatsune Miku's signature and unique serialised number), as well as an accessory package that includes a Limited edition Mi 10000mAh Power bank, and a Hatsune Miku printed soft protective case.
In case you’re wondering, the Redmi Note 4X is exactly the same as the international Redmi Note 4 that was recently launched in India. The reason why Xiaomi added the “X” to the model number, is probably to differentiate it from the older Redmi Note 4 that runs the MediaTek Helio X20 processor which is still being sold in China.
A quick re-cap on the Redmi Note 4X’s specs:
- 5.5-inch Full HD display
- Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 (Octa-core 2.0GHz) with 14nm FinFET technology
- 2GB / 3GB / 4GB RAM
- 32GB / 64GB storage
- 13MP CMOS camera with PDAF and 1.12μm pixels / 5MP front camera
- 4100 mAh battery
- 5 colour options (Green, Gold, Grey, Black, Pink)
The special edition phone is expected to be available on February 14 for Valentine's Day, but there is no official word on pricing yet. While we might not be getting the special edition, we do hope that we will officially get the international variant of Redmi Note 4 in Malaysia soon. Stay tuned with us at for more Xiaomi news.